1. Evaluate Your Abilities And Be Realistic
Know how many hours you can devote to blogging and understand your other limitations. Consider also your writing style and speed, and the time you’ll need to update each blog.
2. Select Topics That You Know And Love
It’s hard to keep churning out content to feed multiple blogs, harder still if you don’t feel for the topic. You’ll also save a great deal of time blogging about something you know really well, versus researching unfamiliar subjects.
3. Create A Posting Schedule
Determine a posting frequency for each blog and create a monthly or quarterly posting schedule accordingly. Don’t overload certain days with work; spread out your writing work over the week. Create a list of possible topics for each blog and post them according to your schedule.
4. Write A Little Extra Ahead Of Time
Whenever you have an hour or two to spare, clank out a couple of posts and put them aside. You will feel ahead of the game and feel more enthused, knowing you won’t be caught short.
5. Use Guest Bloggers
Be sure to allow guest bloggers to link back to their blog and if possible, offer Adsense revenue sharing. Create a separate page for guest blogs from your reader base as well. Doing this will ensure there’s fresh content on your site both for readers and for search engines.
6. Hire Blog Writers And Editor
If you can afford it, get a couple of freelance writers to write your posts for you. You can even get a part time or full time blog editor to manage your multiple blogs. If you can get another blogger to share your responsibilities for a share in revenue, exposure, backlinks or support barter, go for it.
7. Determine Your Blogging Objectives
Make a list of all your blogs and the blogging objective of each. Are you monetizing all your blogs? Are all your blogs equally important? Listing out the objectives will help you understand exactly which blogs you need to keep and prioritize.
8. Divide Your Blogging Time
Determine if your blogs are startups, mature or midway; this will help you understand time allocation for each. The amount of time you have to devote to a mature blog is slightly lesser than a startup blog. Divide the total time you have in terms of percentages for each blog.
9. Do Your Best Work When You Are Most Alert
Know your body clock; are you most active towards the evening or early in the morning? Use your most productive time for writing, researching, responding to comments and so on. Use your not-so-productive hours to do other tasks. Reversing this system will still get the work done, but with less optimum results.
10. Evaluate Content Posting Frequency
Once you have an idea of how much time you have and how the time is to be divided among your blogs, evaluate your posting frequency. Determine a conservative figure; don’t go over the top. Don’t decide to deliver more than you can manage and disappoint readers.
11. Divide Your Tasks
Research and promotional activities for blog
Research and promotional activities for niche
Online identity management
miscellaneous tasks
Divide the total number of hours you have into 4 segments; 60% for A and the remaining 40% for B, C and D.
12. Club Common Tasks
For example, you can read RSS feeds, do keyword research, moderate comments and so on using the same Tools for all your blogs. As long as you maintain clear folders for each blog, you can avoid confusion.
13. Use The Right Tools
For example, use Google Reader to gather your RSS feeds in one place; create folders, categorize feeds and tag them. Browse RSS feed titles and star them for later. Explore other tools such as Windows Live writer to blog offline, Twitter Feed to tweet your posts, Bookmarking Service to bookmark your post to any Social Media site.
14. Forward All Your Emails To One Account
Use Gmail as your single email server; create folders and labels for emails pertaining to different blogs and organize similar tasks. This keeps all your emailing in one central location.
15. Maintain A Calendar And ToDo List
Create comprehensive ToDo lists for each day/week. Use either Outlook or Google Calendar to mark important events. Sign up for SMS Notification. This way you’ll always know what you need to do and when.
Author Bio – The article is written by Dean from Invesp a conversion rate optimization Company that helps businesses in improving their landing pages and increasing ROI of their online campaigns.
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