Monday, July 28, 2008


O p e r a t o r s

The following operators can be used in the where clause to simplify the conditions.

Between … And
Is Null

1) Between … And:

This operator is used to test whether the given value is present in given range of values.

Find all employees whose Salary is more than 2000 and less than 4000.
Select * from EMP where Sal between 2000 and 4000;
Find all employees joined after 12 th june 1990, and before 31st December 1990.
Select * from EMP where Hiredate between ‘12-Jun-90’ and ‘31-Dec-90’;
Find all employees who are not joined after 12th June 1990, and before 31st December 1990.
Select * from EMP where Hiredate NOT Between ‘12-Jun-90’ and ‘31-Dec-90’;

2) In :

This operator is used to test whether the given value is present in a given list of values.

Find all employees whose salary is either 1200 or 1500 or 1750.
Select * from EMP where Sal IN (1200, 1500, 1750);
Find all employees who are working either as a Manager or a Clerk.
Select * from EMP where Job IN (‘MANAGER’, ‘CLERK’);

3) Like:

One of the most powerful features of SQL is a marvelous pattern-matching operator called LIKE, which is able to search through the rows of a database column for values that look like a pattern you describe. It uses two special characters to denote which kind of matching to do : a percent sign, called wildcard, and an underscore, called position marker.

Find all employees whose Name starts with ‘S’.
Select * from EMP where Ename LIKE ‘S%’;
Find all employees whose name ends with ‘E’.
Select * from EMP where Ename LIKE ‘%E’;
Find all employees whose name contains the letter ‘A’.
Select * from EMP where Ename LIKE ‘%A%’ ;
Find all employees whose name contains ‘L’ as second letter.
Select * from EMP where Ename LIKE ‘_L%’ ;
Find all employees whose name doesn’t contain the letter ‘A’.
Select * from EMP where Ename NOT LIKE ‘%A%’;
Find all employees whose name contains five letters.
Select * from EMP where Ename like ‘_ _ _ _ _’; (Underscores without space between them)

4) Is Null:

This operator is used to test for a null value in the given column.

Find all employees who are not drawing any commission.
Select * from EMP where Comm IS NULL;
Find all employees who are drawing Commission.
Select * from EMP where Comm IS NOT NULL;

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